Darling # 14
Inel din argint cu piatra semipretioasa quartz turmalina
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Rutilated quartz is sometimes confused with tourmalinated quartz. Tourmalinated (or tourmalated) quartz is a quartz stone with needle-like inclusions of black or dark green tourmaline embedded within it. This gemstone, like rutilated quartz, may be used in ornamental pieces or jewelry, whether faceted or as a cabochon. Tourmalated Quartz is clear quartz that contains long, thin crystals of black or green tourmaline within the larger quartz crystal. A quartz crystal may have only a few thin tourmaline crystals growing inside it, or it may be filled with them and look quite black and almost opaque. Tourmalated Quartz is clear or milky Quartz with black or green Tourmaline needles.